21 January – Hagonoy, Bulacan
The North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy Team together with Netherlands Embassy presented the Nature-based Solutions in proposed pilot locatio n in municipality of Hagonoy. The team explained the proposed Nature-based Solutions in pilot locations namely: Hagonoy, Masantol and Macabebe.
During our focus group discussion with stakeholders conducted were composed of 15 fishermen and 15 fishpond operators. After presenting the Nature-based Solutions that includes goals, benefits, advantage and oppotunities as flood protections measures. A constructive dialogue held and the main points are:
Agreed to implement the Nature-based Solution for flood protection measures.
Educate the opportunity for biodiversity livelihood for the community.
Educate about proposed solutions in the pilot locations.
Emphasis of lack of planning in DPWH dredging activities in Pampanga River.
They are educated about Nature-based Solutions in the pilot locations.

Discussion with fisermen and fishpond operators (left) and Group picture (right)
The 2nd part of the day is focus group discussion with LGU representatives relatively in the pilot locations. After presenting the Institutional Setting, detailed Nature-based Solutions, and North Manila Bay Strategy. Both parties had a constructive dialogues and the main points are:
Funding will be allocate from DILG.
20 – 30 million project can be allocated in LGU level.
Municipalities in pilot locations are commited to implement even in small projects.
Emphasis of lack of planning in DPWH dredging activities in Pampanga River.
Confirmation of the exisitng structures based on QGIS.

Due to the good attendance, the team was successful in presenting the solutions to the fishermen and fishpond operators. Also, awareness in different kinds of Nature-based Solutions in proposed pilot locations. Lastly, a healthy dialogue and collaboration with the LGU representative.