11 November - Paombong, Bulacan

Site Visit Summary

The North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy team commenced the site visit in the municipality of Paombong. The team had a coordination meeting with the Paombong Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) representative to explain the rational of the project and site visit. MENRO mentioned for planning the 80 hectares mangrove in masukol dike in coordination with San Miguel Corporation.

The 2nd part of the day consisted out of site visit in Barangay Sta. Cruz which lies approximately 7 kilometers south of Paombong town proper and is adjacent coastline. The team together with MENRO representative had a courtesy call with Barangay Captain.

During our site visit the focus group discussion with ten (10) random residents were interviewed which resulted in household survey.The survey guide questions about their coastal hazard experience, their response to it, and their perception of nature-based solutions.

Coordination meeting with MENRO

In parallel field survey conducted simultaneously did the survey type of site which they collected the photographic and drone video material which can be used to gather the data. Included are the photos of built structures such as Masukol & Sta. Cruz Dike, oyster farm as their source of livelihood, experienced low tide during our ocular inspections.

Shallow areas at Manila Bay (left) and existing mangrove (right)

The focus group discussion with our stakeholders composed of 20 fishers and aquaculture farmers. The team presented had a forum with them about Nature-based Solutions. The team presented the different Nature-based Solutions for flood protection. After presenting the different options for Nature-based Solutions as flood protection measure there was a constructive dialogue held one of the main points was the community was agreed the use of Nature-based solution. They will setup a cooperative to protect the flood protection strategy. Due to high attendance the team was successful in raising awareness about the strategy and Nature-based Solutions.

Focus Group Discussion with fishers and aquaculture

Site Visit Snapshots

Oyster farm for livelihood and Sta. Cruz dike and existing mangrove (above). View at Brgy. Sta. Cruz and existing mudflats and mangroves (below)