Data Gathering

Received information from the concerned barangay LGUs, city LGU of Malolos, provincial LGU, and the DPWH were gathered as part of this project. In particular, the existing Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs), Annual Investment Plans (AIPs).

Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

The CLUP is the city’s blueprint for development in the various sectors.

Annual Investment Plan (AIP)

To operationalize the programs and projects included in the CLUP, the city’s AIP provides for the detailed listing of the interventions per sector.

DPWH Interventions in the 2023 General Appropriations Act (GAA)

As the City of Malolos LGU has budget constraints to spearhead programs and projects related to flood risk management, the DPWH is an executive agency that collaborates with the LGUs to implement infrastructure programs and projects.

Development Context of the City of Malolos

The City of Malolos, a coastal component city in the province of Bulacan, serves as the provincial capital. It has a total land area of 67.25 square kilometers (km2), which constitutes 2.42% of Bulacan’s total land area.

Results from Site Visits and Household Surveys

A series of household surveys and site visits were performed in the target barangays in the city (i.e., Barangays Atlag, Bagna, Santo Rosario, and Pamarawan).

Site Visits

For the team that is executing this North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy, understanding the North Manila Bay Delta area is pivotal in making a strategy that considers the local interest.

Location selection

The location selection aims to pinpoint the areas most exposed to flood risks.

Consultation Workshops

This section stated the responses of focus group discussion during our site visit. Most of the attendees are the officers of the organization in their barangay. These are the questions to our stakeholders.

Household Surveys

Household surveys were conducted among the barangay residents in Bulacan and Pampanga on the same days the consultations were held.

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