Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

The CLUP is the city’s blueprint for development in the various sectors. The objective of the CLUP is related to future land use and zoning along the coast as well as in aquaculture and urbanizing areas given the impact of flooding and other water-related concerns.

In order to address the flood risk in the city, among the priority programs and projects for the environment include the:

  • Dredging and desilting of river and its tributaries along various barangays (i.e., Calero, Canalate, Pamarawan, Panasahan, and Tangib);

  • River slope protection projects;

  • Relocation of informal settler families (ISF) within high susceptible to hazards

  • Coastal management programs and projects (i.e., Great Wall of Mangroves Program, mangrove reforestation along rivers and coastal areas, coastal clean-up and rehabilitation of mangrove areas, construction of Bantay Dagat Office, and development of the river transport system).

It can be concluded that the purpose of this project is in line with what the City of Malolos wants to achieve with their CLUP.