01 December - Lubao, Pampanga

Site Visit Summary

The North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy team together with Wetlands International Phlippines commenced the last site visit in the municipality of Lubao. The team had a coordination meeting with LGU officials to explained the rationale of the project and site visit itinerary. After prensenting our options for Nature-based Solutions, the Municipal Engineering Office (MEO) still consider a structural solutions and combination of structures and Nature-based Solutions.

Discussion with MENRO, MEO, and Admin

The 2nd part of the day consisted out of a site visit in Barangay Bancal Pugad which lies approximately 9 kilometers south of Lubao town proper and its adjacent to the coastline. We had courtesy call with Barangay Captain to assist us during site visit.

During our site visit focus group discussion with stakeholders were conducted composed of 10 fisherfolks in Barangay Bancal Pugad. After presenting the options for Nature-based Solutions as flood protection measure there was a constructive dialogue held one of the main points from the stakeholders was the setup an organization or association to maintian the Nature-based Solutions project. Due to the good attendance, the team was successful in raising awareness about the strategy and Nature-based Solutions.

Focus Group Discussion with Fishermen in Lubao, Pampanga

In parallel with the focus group discussion, various (random) people were interviewed in Barangay to share their experience during flooding events which resulted in the household survey overview. Another part of the team did a survey type of site visit in they collected pictures such as existing mangroves trees, and fishponds, and aerial drone shots and videos. These materials can be used to gather a better understanding of the area for the team especially for those who have not been on the site.

Drone shots in Lubao, Pampanga

Site Visit Snapshots

Picture of mangrove (upper left and right), and fish ponds (lower left and right)