Consultation Workshops

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Focus Group Discussion Results

This section stated the responses of focus group discussion during our site visit. Most of the attendees are the officers of the organization in their barangay. These are the questions to our stakeholders.

- Distance of houses from coastlines
- Use of natural resources
- Source of floodwaters
- Warning Signs
- Lag time
- Activities after warning
- Community/Association initiatives
- Expectations
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Concerns

Based on the data we gathered, all the main points of our discussions:

  • The experienced flood in their house. The source of floodwaters are:

    • Natural High Tide

    • Upstream river

    • Coastal flooding

  • Fishing, aquatic culture are the main source of livelihood

  • Communities didn’t consider relocate from their home

  • Typhoon warning signal from LGU are very reliable to the communities

  • Communities are keen about Nature-based Solutions approach

  • They preferred mangrove belt and fish pond to protect their livelihood

  • They are willing to setup an organization to protect the flood protection

  • The advantages to have flood protection in North Manila Bay are:

    • Opportunity to grow in their livelihood

    • Opportunity to have more aquatic species

    • Protection in their barangay

These are the main points of discussion from the stakeholders during our site visit. They shared about the opinions, insights and views. In result they are open to our flood protection strategy. Refer to Appendix 3 for more detailed result.