
Note: This bibliography is applicable for all of the references made in the North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy report and for this iReport. 

[1] National Economic Development Authority, “Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Plan: Action Plan + Investment Report,” 2021.

[2] National Economic and Development Authority, “Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Plan: Manila Bay Atlas,” 2021.

[3] M. Macdonald, “New Manila International Airport: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Volume I - Project Description,” 2021.

[4] M. Macdonald, “New Manila Bay International Airport Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Volume II - Scoping and Methodolog,” 2021.

[5] M. Macdonald, “New Manila International Airport: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Volume IV - Stakeholder Engagement Framework and Grievance Mechanism,” 2021.

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[26] K. S. R. a. F. P. Siringan, “Global sea-level rise is recognised,but flooding from anthropogenic land subsidence is ignored around northern Manila Bay, Philippines,” 2006.

[27] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0005 Stakeholders Meeting”.

[28] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0016 Boskalis meeting,” 8 Oct 2021.

[29] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0007 NEDA Region3 Meeting,” 13 Oct 2021.

[30] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0008 DENR Meeting,” 20 Oct 2021.

[31] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0010 ABBP Meeting,” 21 Oct 2021.

[32] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0009 DPWH Meeting,” 26 Oct 2021.

[33] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0011 DENR Region 3,” 4 Nov 2021.

[34] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0013 DPWH Region 3,” 5 Nov 2021.

[35] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0014 San Miguel Corp,” 8 Nov 2021.

[36] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0015 BFAR Meeting,” 10 Nov 2021.

[37] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0019 NEDA Minutes of Meeting,” 12 January 2022.

[38] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0021 DENR Minutes of Meeting,” 14 January 2022.

[39] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0022 BFAR R3 Minutes of Meeting,” 25 January 2022.

[40] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0027 Minutes of Meeting with DENR MGB Central Office,” 31 January 2022.

[41] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0028 Minutes of Meeting with DPWH,” 4 February 2022.

[42] Local Government Code Sec. 57; R.A. 7160.

[43] “Zoning Plan, Local Investment Plan”.

[44] It contains the long-term vision of the province, and identifies development goals, strategies, objectives/targets and corresponding PPAs which serve as primary inputs to provincial investment programming and subsequent budgeting and plan implementation.

[45] RA 11201; name now changed to Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development; R.A. 7279; E.O. 648 & 72.

[46] “HLURB MC 19-02,” 2019.

[47] Supreme Court decision on G.R. No. 133250; July 9, 2002; Commonwealth Acct 141, Sec. 66, July 9, 2002.

[48] Fisheries Code of 1998.

[49] CA 141, Sec 66.

[50] PD 857, Dec. 23, 1975.

[51] Executive Orders Nos. 525 & 654.

[52] Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act of 2010 (R.A. 10121).

[53] Philippine Tourism Code.

[54] N. E. a. D. Authority, “Manila Bay Sustainable Development Masterplan: Annex 2 Insitutional Set-up and capacity”.

[55] Presidential Decree No. 1586. The Office of the President on its own and/or upon recommendation by the National Environmental Protection Council can declare certain areas as environmentally critical and , among others, can institute measures administered.

[56] M. Palace, “Administrative Order No. 16,” 2019.


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[71] Local Government Code.

[72] E. S. d. Dios, “Discussion Paper No. 0806 Institutional Constraints on Philippine Growth,” 2008.

[73] N. E. a. D. Authority, “Manila Bay Sustainable Development Masterplan: Annex 2 Institutional setup and capacity building report”.

[74] Royal HaskoningDHV, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0025 Fishermen and Fishpond operator Minutes of Meeting,” 21 January 2022.

[75] NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0026 ABB-BP Minutes of Meeting, “NMBFPS-RHD-PL-ZZ-MI-0026 ABB-BP Minutes of Meeting,” 21 January 2022.