Stage 4: Strategy and possible pilot feedback

In this stage of stakeholder engagement, the findings of the Study were presented to the concerned stakeholders. The proposed nature-based solutions and possible pilot locations were discussed.

Another stakeholder consultation workshop was held in the morning of 21January 2022 to present the findings to fishers, fishpond and fishing vessel operators, and ABB-BP representatives from the municipalities of a possible pilot (Hagonoy, Macabebe, and Masantol). The root causes of flooding, proposed nature-based solutions, and recommended pilot locations were presented. During this consultation, the participants from the three municipalities concurred on the findings and the suggested nature-based solutions.  They also agreed to become host of the potential pilot projects.

In the afternoon of 21 January 2022, another consultation was held, this time with LGU and ABB-BP officials and representatives from Hagonoy, Macabebe, and Masantol to present the findings, suggested nature-based solutions, and institutional arrangements. The consultation also explored possible sources of funding for the proposed pilot project.

The last stakeholder workshop was held on 16 February 2022 to present the Flood Protection Strategy to the engaged stakeholders from government agencies and other institutions.

Consultation workshops held in Stage 4



Salient Points of Discussion


Stakeholder Consultation Workshop (face to face) with Fishermen and Fishpond Operators of Hagonoy, Masantol, and Macabebe

All attendees agreed with the findings of the Flood Protection Strategy study regarding the root causes of flooding and the condition of the areas along the bay. It was added that the river in Hagonoy has become narrower due to the construction of structures. The river is also shallow and has not been dredged in years.


All attendees agreed with the proposed locations for the pilot flood protection project.


The practicality of some of the proposed solutions, such as the inland earth dike in Hagonoy, was discussed. A way forward is to incorporate the proposed solutions to the CLUP. Implementation of the CLUP is vital.


River deepening instead of river widening was recommended by some attendees since Pampanga River is already wide (approximately 3 km).


Attendees from Macabebe and Masantol agreed that sediments in Manila Bay shore brought by Pampanga River can potentially be re-used for filling the proposed embankments.


Some fishpond operators in Macabebe have already adopted green embankments. They planted nipa palm along the existing embankments which became a source of producing nipa vinegar, thus providing them with additional livelihood.


Most fishponds along the coast of Hagonoy are not operational.


Interest in hanging structures and shellfish reefs was expressed because of the opportunity to increase livelihood.


Meeting with ABB-BP/LGU representatives from Hagonoy, Masantol, and Macabebe

Regarding the implementation of the proposed flood protection strategy, four main issues were identified: funding, institutional capacity, sustainability, and coordination with other LGUs.


Masantol has an approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for 2017- 2026, including zoning ordinance and comprehensive development plan. Macabebe has a CLUP but still pending for updating. Hagonoy has yet to define its Coastal Management Plan.


Each municipality of ABB-BP has a technical working group composed of different entities such as the municipal engineer or the municipal disaster mitigation officer.


It was proposed to present the flood protection strategy to the LGU principal authorities (Mayor + Council) through the technical working group. If the principal authorities of the LGU approve the project, it could be implemented.


The elections in May 2022 and the changing of the administration, especially for the succeeding mayors, is a major consideration in tapping the LGUs.


The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) can provide funding or budget through the program “Assistance to the disadvantaged municipalities and cities.” LGUs will need the endorsement of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).


More than 50% of the fishponds in Macabebe are non-operational due to the occurrences of storm surge and tidal flooding. Some of these were converted to fish pens since the dike have collapsed.


Most inter-municipal cooperation efforts are mostly informal. Thus, ABB-BP has no model to guide them in their legal incorporation.


Presentation of Flood Protection Strategy (online)

The findings of the Study was presented. The presentation aims to increase the appreciation of nature-based solutions as flood protection strategies for North Manila Bay and relay the importance of establishing pilot locations in a flood protection plan.

Representatives of NEDA attended the presentation, DPWH, DENR Region 3, MBCO, EMB, BFAR, ABB-BP, Guiguinto CENRO, Bulacan PENRO, Pampanga PENRO, Wetlands International, Shell, Studio Flow Consultancy, Netherlands Embassy, RVO and RHDHV.