Proposed short-term institutional setting
The proposed short-term institutional setting is focused on the early execution of (pilot) projects. It assumes that the Manila Bay Sustainable Development Masterplan and the proposed Manila Bay Development Commission are not yet operational. As the 2022 elections in May will be of great impact on the institutional setting this short-term setup is based on execution after the election. Therefore two scenarios are reflected:
ABB-BP will be in effect after 2022 elections
ABB-BP will not be in effect after 2022 elections
Short-term Institutional setup with ABB-BP in place after elections
The figure above shows the short-term institutional setup for scenario 1.
The North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy (this study) provides the basis for the ABB-BP to:
Arrange extended mandate from the LGU’s in the North Manila Bay Delta;
Request support under the Local Government Support Fund-Assistance to Disadvantaged Municipalities from DILG [61]; and
Update ICM/CLUPs and subsequently request funding for projects.
The ABB-BP will have a coordination/championing role for the implementation of the first (pilot) projects. There needs to be an update of the mandate of the ABB-BP to give them more “executing powers”. This can be done via:
o Additional corporation agreement between LGU’s (Memorandum of Agreement); and
Registering the ABB-BP as legal entity
The mandate will need to include that the ABB-BP will have continuous powers (cross election)
The ABB-BP will need to have more resources/funds to act on the coordination/championing role. The ADM mechanism will provide for these resources/funds.
ABB-BP will update the ICM and subsequently, the CLUP in parallel with the first (pilot) projects executed.
The ABB-BP will firstly look for funds within the LGU’s. During stakeholder meetings it was identified that LGUs would be able to fund projects up to 20-30 million PHP (to be validated after elections). If the first (pilot) projects are bigger (financial) or the LGU is not able to fund it the second option is to look for provincial funds or funds from the People Survival Fund. Alternatively, private funds or NGO funds can be researched.
ABB-BP will also need to coordinate with the other agencies on any interfacing projects.
Short-term Insitutional setup without ABB-BP in place after elections
The figure above shows the short-term institutional setup for scenario 2.
The North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy (this study) provides the basis for a LGU to
Arrange extended mandate from the LGU’s in the North Manila Bay Delta;
Request support under the ADM from DILG; and
Update ICM/CLUPs and subsequently request for funding for projects
The particular LGU will need to have interest and support the flood protection strategy. It will need to be assessed after the elections which LGU would be best suited.
The LGU will have a coordination/championing role for the implementation of the first (pilot) projects. There needs to be an update of the mandate of the LGU to give them more “executing powers”. This can be done via:
Enhanced corporation agreement between LGU’s
The mandate will need to regulate that the LGU will have continuous powers (cross election).
The LGU will need to have more resources/funds to act on the coordination/championing role. The ADM mechanism will provide for these resources/funds.
LGU will update the ICM and subsequently, the CLUP before the first (pilot) projects will be executed.
The LGU will firstly look for funds within the LGU’s. During stakeholders meetings, it was identified that LGUs would be able to fund projects up to 20-30 million PHP (to be validated after elections). If the first (pilot) projects are bigger (financial) or the LGU is not able to fund it the second option is to look at Provincial funds or the People Survival Fund. Alternatively, private funds or NGO funds can be researched.
LGU will also need to coordinate with the other agencies on any interfacing projects.