
An overview of the institutional responsibilities of the NGAs and LGUs in the Philippines is provided in the table below. It is emphasized that while many agencies have roles to play in developing flood mitigation measures in the community or projects that might have implications to the flooding situation in the area, all must have prior approval from the municipality and the stakeholders. This is also one of the foundations of the Integrated Coastal Management policies set up by the Philippine Government (see Chapter 7.4)

Jurisdiction and Mandate





Municipal LGU

· Jurisdiction over all land within the LGU land and sea boundary three km from the coast (municipal waters);

· Responsible for infrastructures for public services funded out of municipal funds, including flood control structures.
· Execution of ICM policies and projects.

  Constructions and building activities are covered by ordinances.

· Prepare Comprehensive Land Use Plan [35] with its accompanying documents [36]

· Manages operations of fishponds in private and private lands through business permits

· Maintenance of mangrove plantings

  All ordinances, including CLUP, funding of projects, shall be approved by the provincial legislature.

  No funding from ICM pushing through


· Responsible for infrastructures for public services funded out of provincial funds, including flood control structures.

  Constructions and building activities as per provincial ordinances or using resources of national agencies;

  Reforestation efforts including mangroves;

· Prepare Provincial Development & Physical Framework Plan [37], which guides the preparation of CLUPs

  By national laws and in coordination with national agencies with the primary role to implement these laws, particularly DPWH and DENR;

  Local authorities must also approve activities in the municipality.

Housing and Land use Regulation board [38]

· Promulgates zoning and land use standards and guidelines governing land use plans and zoning ordinances of LGUs.
· Involvement in relocation efforts in the ICM framework.

· Reviews final drafts of CLUP and PDPFP as to their conformity with national laws. Mandatory review of CLUP affected by natural hazards to determine if climate change and disaster risks are mainstreamed in the documents and assist in these risk-sensitive CLUPs. [39]

· Must approve provisions of CLUP and PDPFP

District Congressman

· Advocate for projects in the district to be funded by the national budget.

Flood mitigation measures in LGUs implemented by DENR and DPWH.

Budget proposals to the Congress shall require meetings with stakeholders

Regional development council

Align local plans with national programs

Assists LGUs in preparing development plans ensuring compliance with national programs, and facilitating funding from national agencies.

Align projects of LGU officials and national agencies' activities with the region's overall program.

Department of Environmental and Natural resources

Exercises exclusive jurisdiction on the management and disposition of all lands in the public domain. [40]

  Implement projects as programmed in national budget or upon request by the provincial or municipal LGUs using these LGUs’ funds;

  Mangrove plantings in foreshore areas;

  Recommend to the presidential declaration of specific areas as Environmental Critical Areas or marine reserves

Management of Protected Areas

All projects must get approval from municipal LGU, which requires consultation with stakeholders.

Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources

Issues or cancels Fishpond Lease Agreement [41] for public lands

Monitors compliance by lessees of FLAs

Municipal LGU legislature must approve the FLA in a resolution or ordinance. This requires a public hearing of the stakeholders.

National Water Resources Board

Manages and approves all uses of water resources in the country, including surface and sub-surface water

A total ban on deep wells in Guiguinto, Bocaue, Marilao, and Meycauyan since 2015

Prior approval before LGU allows deep wells or use of surface water or residential and commercial uses.

Local water utility administration

Pursue the government’s goal of universal access to safe water and sanitation in the countryside by developing local water districts and partnering with other institutions.

Assist local water districts in expanding piped-in water to discourage the use of deep well water, thus reducing ground subsidence.

Close coordination with municipal waterworks.

Department of Public Works and highways

· construction and developments along with foreshore areas [42];

· hard structures

River dikes, levees, river dredging, ring dikes

  Municipal LGU legislature must approve the project in a resolution or ordinance. This requires consultation with stakeholders in a public hearing;

  If the project is more than PHP 500 M, the Regional Development Council must approve it.

  The DENR must issue an Environment Compliance Certificate (ECC)

Philippine Port Authority

Issuance of permit on the construction of piers, ports [43]

Approves foreshore reclamation projects

  Municipal and provincial LGU legislatures must approve the project in a resolution or ordinance. This requires public hearing of the stakeholders;

Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources

Issues or cancels Fishpond Lease Agreement [41]

Fishponds with expired permits or violations may already be reclaimed by the DENR either to be leased out to new operators or used as catch basin or mangrove plantings;

Municipal LGU legislature must approve the FLA in a resolution or ordinance. This requires a public hearing of the stakeholders.

Philippine Reclamation Authority

Responsible for activities about reclamation [44]


  Municipal and provincial LGUs legislature must approve the project in a resolution or ordinance. This requires a public hearing of the stakeholders.

· DENR issues ECC

National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council [45]

Formulates policies and programs to protect communities against natural disasters, including flooding

  Recommend to LGUs measures activities to lessen effects of natural disasters;

  Recommend “no-build zones” ;

  Guide LGUs in preparing Local Climate Change Action Plans

Formulation of recommendations done in coordination with relevant national agencies and stakeholders.

Department of Tourism

Responsible for the development of an area as a tourism zone and marine reserves [46]

Tourism as a livelihood activity in conjunction with appropriate Nature-based Solutions

Municipal LGU legislature must approve the designation in a resolution or ordinance. This requires a public hearing of the stakeholders.

Pampanga River Basin Committee

Regional Body primarily in charge of the Implementation of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Premier regional coordinating body exercises advisory, guidance, education, and monitoring functions for the Basin’s management and development [54].

No apparent conflicts in LGUs

Manila Bay Task Force

Expediting the Rehabilitation and Restoration of the Coastal and Marine Ecosystem of the Manila Bay

Mobilizes the participation of both Mandamus and non-Mandamus agencies through human resources, funding, and logistics contributions


The agencies outlined in the table above act on different levels over government however, the following agencies are deemed crucial because of their abilities:

  • LGU – the Local Government Unit:

    • o Is the final approver for implementing the projects.

    • o Needs to identify the Integrated Coastal Management policies (ICM) from NEDA and DENR.

    • o Needs to establish the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) based on ICM

    • o Best suited to encourage the communities the use of Nature-based Solutions.

    • o Should budget to maintain the implemented flood protection measures.

    • o Best connection to the fishpond owners

    • o LGU plays a big role in implementing any flood protection strategy.

    • o Inform the community and play a pivotal role in motivating innovative/alternative ways livelihood.

  • DENR:

    • o Implementation of the Integrated Coastal Management policies, see Chapter 4.

    • o Approving ECC/EIA studies for dredging, reclamation and other land conversion projects.

    • o Recommending the declaration of ECA and marine reserves in the foreshore and municipal waters to encourage mangrove growth.

    • o Executing the guidelines and monitoring as part of the implementation of the Clean Water Act (RA 9275) on the use of chemical feeds for aquaculture to present runoffs from poisoning mangroves.

    • o Implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003) which encourages mangrove growth and cultivation.

    • o Encouraging recoveries of unused fishpond leases (in coordination with BFAR) in public lands to use for Nature-based Solutions (i.e., mangrove plantings, embankments, and production areas for fisherfolks).

  • DPWH

    • o DPWH funds bigger flood protection schemes.  

    • o DPWH has the role of approving the plans and financial resources within the Mandamus area.

    • o On-going dredging activities in Macabebe Deltas. There are proposed river dedging zones in collaboration with DENR for Angat River, Hagonoy River, etc.

    • o On-going river widening in Meycauayan River proposed by NMIA.

    • o On-going project for road elevation in Macabebe and Masantol to prevent flooding in the municipalities.

  • BFAR:

    • o Identifying the operational fishponds in North Manila Bay.

    • o Identifying the fishponds that have a lease title. BFAR does not have the authority to mandate the existing private fishponds.

    • o Coordinating with LGU to evaluate the public and private fishponds and determine their respective responsibilities.