Nature-based Solutions assessment overview

Based on expert judgement, about 20 Nature-based Solutions are deemed to be feasible for the North Manila Bay Delta area. These solutions are assessed based on the criteria mentioned in the Nature-based Solutions Assessment Criteria table. It has to be noted that this assessment is qualitatively done and meant to give a basis for an initial idea on which Nature-based Solutions may be best applicable at which locations. The actual scoring per location might differ, or the scoring can also be subject of combinations with other Nature-based Solutions or traditional civil engineering solutions. The scoring is based on the description as set out in Appendix 4, as the general application of Nature-based Solutions is very dependent on local characteristics and a systemic approach, the scoring should be seen as first indicator. Any applications of Nature-based Solutions should be based on further design efforts.

The Nature-based Solutions will be categorized according to the multilayer safety approach. It has to be noted that there is no “Emergency Management” Nature-Based Solution available.

The multi-layer safety approach is a method for reducing disaster risk pioneered by the Dutch. It provides three (3) different approach levels - prevention, spatial planning, and emergency management (figure below). In the past, efforts were concentrated on prevention in the form of dikes and seawalls, which are often limited in applicability and feasibility. The multi-level safety approach shows the potential of the other levels, spatial planning and emergency management, to mitigate impacts of natural hazards.

Multi-Layer Safety approach

Appendix 4 shows the fact sheets for the Nature-based Solutions, which provides the basis for the scoring. The table belows shows a summary of the scoring.

Nature-based Solutions assessment overview